I'd like to answer this question with a question.

How many do you think you really need, and what creates value in an image for you?

Is it the way the images make you feel?

Or is it the number of images you receive? Do you need 100, or do you need 500?

( obviously there are exceptions to this depending on your type of session ex. weddings etc)

Being a film shooter I strive to deliver quality over quantity.

It's a slower process than digital and I enjoy that for so many reasons. It causes me to

watch and wait because......... 16 shots per roll friends.

In a typical session you can expect receive between 20-35 images

If you were to go to your camera roll and look at the number of images you currently have there what is that number? 100? 1000? more? I'll tell you mine, its 10,000

Do you really want to stare at 100 photos from your session and try to narrow it down?

I know I don't.

How many of those images are ones that truly hold meaning or memory? How many images do you have of the same thing to a degree. We don't even have to think twice about creating an image in this digital age.

Everywhere we go we can click to our hearts content because there is not a limit or imposed cost for taking that picture. And because of that, we have come to expect dozens on dozens of images every time we hire a photographer.

We have come to expect quantity over quality.

I believe that we need fewer images, what we need are images that stir an emotion, take us back to moment, or help us remember some of the details of the past that soften in our minds as time passes.

You will never print every image from a session. You will print a select few that pull on you in some way.

So maybe these are helpful thoughts for you the next time you go to ask how many images are included in my session.